Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Starbucks - Mount Laurel, New Jersey

10 Centerton Road
Centerton Plaza

Even though I did have a letter to a soldier to write while I sat in one of my local Starbucks, it wasn't a letter for a soldier that had been nominated to and selected by Soldier's Angels.  On this occasion I wrote to a friend's son who had just started his training at the Army's Officer Candidate School in Georgia at Fort Benning.  I wanted to write to him because I am so proud of his decision to enter the military and because many years ago I had learned to cuss at the very same fort.  I just knew that I had a story that needed to be shared.  I was hoping that it might bring a smile to his face for I felt certain that he might be having a few homesick moments.  Just as I expect many of our youth in uniform experience.

One Christmas while living at Fort Benning, my parents had purchased a tricycle for me.  Before giving it to me, they had hidden it in a closet.  As my father loves to tell me, one evening they heard me complaining and fussing about something.  When they entered the room where I was making the fuss, they heard me say, "Summa   _ _ _ _ _ !"   They found me pulling on the bike and cussing about not being able to get it out of the closet.  Now, I have no memory of that event, but I can tell you without a doubt just where I learned that Kentucky cussin'.  No place like home!!!

I have visited this Starbucks Coffee Shop many times since it opened about five years ago.  The outside has never felt very "local" to me, basically because of the look of the building.  Just another urban development, although a nice one.  However at one time this Starbucks hosted a talent night once a week.  Customers were invited to bring their talents and perform.  I always wondered how those talent nights turned out.  At the time the girls were still home and I just didn't have the time to go watch.

COMFORT COMMENTS:  Although, this shop only has two comfy over-stuffed leather chairs, I have never sat in any other chair except for the times that I sat outside.  There are many tables with plenty of outlets.  One feature that I really like besides the outside seating is the bar and stools at the service area.  People seem to like to sit at the bar. 

SHOP CRITIQUE:  I hate the way the doors open in this shop.  I nearly froze every time someone came in or went out.  My tea cooled off way too soon because of that.  The shop and restroom were clean.

EMPLOYEE COMMENTS:  The employees always seem happy in this shop.  I've even seen a couple of reviews on-line of this Starbucks giving the staff high ratings for their friendliness. 

http://www.npr.org/  (why kids cuss...do we really need  psychologists to tell us why?)
  (THIS may be worth cussing about, an American Army base named after "an ardent secessionist, bitterly opposing abolition or emancipation of slaves"* who served as general for the Confederates during the Civil War. WOW!!)  *quote  from wikipedia.


  1. It looks like a Starbucks!

    I have a connection to Ft. Benning too. I actually worked on the design of the tank trails.

    And please, you will have to prove to me you learned how to cuss! I might be able to give you a couple of pointers..... :)

  2. you don't curse....what happened
